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Little Boy Clogs Toilet With Toy

Little Boy Clogs Toilet With Toy Cars

As dad Joshua was cooking dinner at their home in Nebraska, his son decided to line up his Hot Wheel toy cars.Much to his dismay, Joshua soon discovered his son...

2018-03-21 00:55 26 Dailymotion

Little boy enjoying with toys

little boy enjoying with toys...

2018-08-18 01:04 1 Dailymotion

LIZARD'S LAVATORY: Florida Toilet Clogged Up With Iguana

What's the strangest thing that has ever clogged your toilet? Extra wads of paper? Children's toys? Well imagine for a moment that you were in Florida. What clo...

2015-06-10 03:02 5 Dailymotion

Little boy plays with toy earth mover


2024-07-25 00:28 1 Dailymotion

Little Boy Gets Stuck Inside Toilet

This little boy's dad walked into his son's bathroom to find him stuck inside the toilet bowl. The little boy went in there to change but somehow managed to wed...

2021-01-19 00:18 89 Dailymotion